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RC After Dark Writing For Healing Workshop is back, virtually!

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

Welcome back! Our Writing For Healing Workshops are virtually open to anyone who would like to attend via Zoom. We use this space to write, heal, and check-in with one another.

We start with introductions, which you only participate in if you're absolutely comfortable, then we lead into discussing the writing prompt for the night, we then give you 15 minutes to write about the prompt or whatever you'd like, afterward we share with one another and give feedback!

You are never required to share and are welcome to share previously written pieces. All types of writing welcome.

If you have any additional questions please contact Amanda:

You can RSVP on Facebook and keep up-to-date with us

We're so happy to have everyone back and cannot wait to see you (virtually) again!


Tel: 513-241-1411         

Fax: 513-241-1447         


2340 Auburn Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219


Monday Through Friday 

9:00am - 3:45pm 

closed weekends 


All Contents ©2023 The Recovery Center of Hamilton County. All Rights Reserved

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