RCHC Updates
Important Announcements:
NEW Session: February 10th, 2025 to April 18th, 2025. See the New Schedule Here
RAD Support: Yoga & Peer Support is March 3rd from 6:00PM - 7:00 PM
SAVE THE DATE: Wellness Symposium & Cookout Friday, May 23rd 2025.
Any RCHC Closings due to inclement weather can be found here, on Channels 5, 9, 12, 19, and on Facebook.
See our most recent Newsletter and subscribe to stay up to date with all things RCHC!
Want to submit Art, Music, Poetry, etc related to your Recovery? We can showcase it on our Recovery Voices Webpage!
Submit Your Content Here: cincyrecoveryvoices.com
The Recovery Center of Hamilton County is a Peer Run Organization that supports residents of Hamilton County (Ohio) who are working on their recovery from mental health struggles. Monday through Friday, we have classes on wellness, creative expression, recovery education, personal growth and more.
Our goal is to offer an environment of learning that promotes wellness and recovery. We want to help individuals reconnect the pieces of their lives that became disconnected when they were struggling. We do this through peer support and a goal-oriented class schedule. Peer support is an excellent compliment to clinical services. It utilizes shared experiences as a means to foster the recovery of other individuals struggling with their mental health.
Recovery Center also has an initiative catered towards Transitional Aged Youth, RC After Dark. RAD is an after hours event series focused on promoting peer support, mental health recovery, and connection. Learn more about RC After Dark.
Recovery Center of Hamilton County is dedicated to helping individuals recover the things we lose when struggling with mental health issues. Recover your self-esteem, self-awareness, health, safety, and ability to socialize. We'd love to meet you and introduce you to a community of people who understand.

Online Classes Effective: February 10th 2025 to April 18th 2025
These online classes are open and available to anyone, anywhere! All we ask is that you fill out this form before joining any online classes if you are not already a member of RCHC. *You are allowed to fill out a form on behalf of a peer, or client who would like to join online.
Everyday Evening Peer Support Group Check-In (Including Holidays and every day the RCHC is closed):
7:00 pm Peer Support Group
Call-In +1 312 626 6799
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83468365382
Meeting ID: 834 6836 5382
What is an average day like at the Recovery Center of Hamilton County?
A day in the life of the Recovery Center is filled with community, support, and healing. We start the day with a morning meeting at 10:15am where we share our weekly agenda and end it with a fun game of trivia. At 10:30am our classes begin, with a break for lunch at 12:45pm. Each class you take is about an hour long and is wellness and recovery-focused. There are many informative, helpful, and fun classes you can take based upon your recovery goals such as Journaling for Recovery, Healing the Shame That Binds You, Yoga, Healthy Cooking, Media Madness, Coping Skills, Clay & Sculpture, Meditation, Weight & Aerobics Training and more! Our instructors have all experienced mental illness and are here to help you in your recovery journey. A sense of community is found here and we hope through RCHC you can discover not only recovery but new friendships and knowledge to guide you through life.

Allyson, Recovery Center Member
The Recovery Center has meant life to me. We are all so lucky to have such an amazing place in our city. I would not have made the progress I have made without the Recovery Center. Blessings to All the Staff and All the Members at the Recovery Center. You have really meant LIFE to me.
Brian, Recovery Center Member & Staff
Without the Recovery Center, I am not sure I would feel as good as I do these days. Before, I was struggling to make it through. Now, I’m working, I’m returning back to the person I was, and I’m giving back to the Recovery Center through my volunteering efforts. This place has truly changed my life.
8 Dimensions of Wellness Spotlight
Occupational Wellness
Occupational Wellness is the ability to optimize the balance between work and personal life, reducing and preventing stress, and striving for satisfaction and meaning in life through working. Occupational Wellness is an important part of life for many Americans because most people spend a lot of their time and effort at work.
Become a Peer Supporter
Peer Support is an integral part of what we do here at RCHC. If you'd like to learn more about becoming a Certified Peer Recovery Supporter then click on the Read More button below and learn more or contact our PRS Coordinator: Andrea McCrate at