Need a space to help you heal? Want to learn how writing can help you process heavy emotions and recover from trauma? Join us for our monthly Writing For Healing Workshop aimed to help you heal and sharpen your writing skills.
If you're here you're probably curious, what is RC After Dark? RC After Dark is an after-hours event series to help people ages 18-30 get the peer support they need. A lot of mental health help falls within a 9-5 timeframe so it is our hope that with having these events after hours we can provide accessibility to people in our community!
Now about the Writing For Healing Workshop! Our goal through this event is to help people heal from their life experiences, celebrate the beauty of writing as a means of processing, and come together for peer support. The agenda usually follows the same format, we open with introductions, how writing helps us heal our minds and bodies, and then get into the prompt for the night. We give everyone 15 minutes to write whatever the prompt brings to mind for them then we do check-in and move into workshopping. We only ask that you share if you're comfortable, it's never a requirement! You only have to participate if you feel comfortable.
You can share and save the flyer below and if you have any questions please reach out to Amanda:
