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The Recovery Center

of Hamilton County

Class Schedules
In-Person & Online

Let's get your recovery journey started!

Quick FAQ for In-Person Classes

How do I get involved in person?

To get involved for our in person classes please join us for a tour of the Recovery Center on Mondays or Wednesdays at Noon (no appointment necessary). During the tour, you will discover what our organization is all about. You will be given a member packet that provides all the details about becoming a member and any paperwork you may need to complete. After the tour, if you would like to join you will then be scheduled for an intake. 


What is the intake for?

The intake appointment is designed to assess if you would be the right fit for the Recovery Center, create goals you can accomplish throughout the term, and complete a schedule of classes you will attend.

Are there requirements to becoming a member? 

Yes there are four requirements to becoming an in-person member. You must be:

  1. Hamilton County Resident

  2. 18 years of age or older

  3. Have a direct, lived experience with a mental health disorder.

  4. Be actively engaged in your recovery

In-Person Class Schedule:
November 18, 2024 to January 31, 2025



Everyday Evening Peer Support Group Check-In:

7:00 pm Peer Support Group 

Call-In +1 312 626 6799


Meeting ID: 834 6836 5382

Quick FAQ for Online Classes

How do I get involved online?

Fill out our online form right hereAfter you fill out the form you are welcome to join in on any online classes. 


Do I need to be a member at RCHC to join in online?  No! Anyone can join. 


What platforms are the classes held on? Most of our classes are held via Zoom but some are also available on Facebook Live. We also have full classes available to watch on our YouTube Channel.

Online Zoom Classes:

Calling-in via phone: Dial the number below the class you'd like to join and follow the prompt, you will need the meeting ID to join over the phone. This will be like a conference call. 

Joining by App: to download the Zoom App to prepare for these classes : Click Here. Once it's downloaded, click the link of the class you want to join. Zoom should open automatically after the link is clicked with the specific class you chose. Or you can open the app and just enter the meeting ID to join.  This will be a group meeting with audio and video but you are not required to use either. 

Don't know how to download Zoom?

Please visit the Zoom Website here to watch a video on how to download and use the app. 

Download YouTube How-To Guide Here

Download Facebook How-To Guide Here

Download Zoom How-To Guide Here

Download Zoom How-To Guide Visual

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